Exklusive intervju med Pars FCs(nuv. Scandinavian) stjärna Malin Schneider


Berätta om din första tid i Pars FC

-Det började år 2012 och jag var nyinflyttad till Örebro för studier. Minns att jag var så nervös inför min första träning som var inomhus på universitetet, men det gick bra och alla var så trevliga! Någon vecka därpå var det lagfest tillsammans med herrlaget hemma hos Ata, och därefter blev man en i gänget. 

När jag tänker efter så har hela min studietid egentligen varit pars. Det har varit så mycket fotboll, både seriöst men även mycket tillfällen då vi bara drog ihop ett gäng och lirade på skoj. Det var även så mycket fest! Har många roliga minnen från Ida Helderuds förra lägenhet på Trädgårdsgatan eller Palette, haha.. 

Jag är så glad över denna tid då många är mina närmsta vänner än idag. 


Vilken roll hade du under Pars-tiden?

-Festfixare, ekonomiansvarig och att göra mål! 


Hur förändrades situationen för damerna efter att Pars FC bytte en del personer i styrelsen och namn till Scandinavian? 

- För damernas del så blev det ingen större förändring till en början. Vi levde länge kvar i ”pars-bubblan” och förknippade oss med det namnet. 

I dagsläget är vi fler från damlaget i styrelsen än tidigare och jobbar för att SFC ska bli ett lika självklart namn på universitetet som Pars en gång var. 


Vad är din roll idag i förening/laget? 

- Spelare och blev nyligen vald som vice ordförande i föreningen. 


Bästa och värsta minnen under din tid i föreningen. 

- Det finns så många bra minnen! Exempelvis matchen mot Wedevåg för några år sedan. Vinst med hela 17-0!!  Förra säsongen vann vi även mot Norrby SK på hemmaplan och de var innan dess obesegrade. En kämparvinst när den är som bäst! 

-Värsta minnet är nog från en bortamatch mot Tillberga även det för några år sen. Det blev ingen direkt uppvärmning då vi kom fram 15 min innan matchstart, en bil kom till och med fram efter att matchen börjat. Domaren som enbart rörde sig i mittcirkeln dömde bort ett mål som jag gjorde då han mena att den aldrig var över mållinjen. Vi hade inte förlorat en enda match på hela säsongen och Tillberga låg sist. Denna match hade säkrat oss seriesegern men det blev förlust. Det blev ingen rolig bilfärg hem! 

-Sen måste jag såklart också nämnde de säsonger vi kritade planen själva, och speciellt då vi gjorde det med roller(!!). Ett roligt minne i efterhand men såååå jobbigt det var! När man berättar det för nya spelare idag så tror de att man skämtar. 


Vilka spelare har du haft lättast att spela med under karriären i Pars/Scandinavian? 

- Det är nog Amanda Fredriksson och Alexandra Laini Bovellan. Jag och Amanda har ju spelat forwarspar de flesta säsonger och våra spelstilar passar bra ihop. Jag tar emot bollen felvänd och hon är sen redo för djupledspassningen. Och Alex är ju den bästa yttermittfältaren, 10/10 gånger så visade hon sig där, antingen för väggpass eller djupledsboll. 


Hur ser kommande säsong ut för er?

- Vi spelar i div 3 och siktar på att komma topp 3. Vi är en stark trupp med stor bredd i år så våra chanser känns goda för ett riktigt bra slutresultat. Just nu ligger vi etta med 14p på sju spelade matcher. 


Fem snabba:

1.      Christiano Ronaldo eller Leonel Messi?

-        Ronaldo.

2.      Bra spel eller resultat?

-       Resultat! Vill ju vinna. 

3.      Slå frisparkar eller straffar?

-        Straffar

4.      Göra ett mål eller göra två assist?

-        Blev ”assistdrottning” förra säsongen, men är roligare att göra mål! 

5.      Fotboll eller futsal?

-        Helt klart fotboll!



Exklusive intervju med Pars FCs förre tränare Sebastian Nyberg


Vad hände direkt efter din tid som tränare och ordförande i Pars FC?


-        Jag fortsatte att spela i Pars FC som bytte namn till Scandinavian FC. Jag spelade en säsong i Scandinavian i division 4 och sen efter säsongen så ringde Fredrik ”Honken” Holmqvist från ÖSK ungdom och frågade om jag vill vara tränare i deras äldsta juniorlag (U16).

Hur kändes det att spela för Pars FC när de bytte namn?

-        I början så tänkte jag inte på det, det var fortfarande samma förening och vissa spelare var fortfarande kvar. Största skillnad kom efter sommaruppehållet den säsongen, då var det flera spelare som slutade och lagkänslan försvann helt tyckte jag.

Hur kändes det att vara spelare under Patrick Walker igen?

-        Jag hade Patrick Walker som tränare i gymnasiet så det var ganska roligt att få ha honom som tränare igen. Det var även roligt att få spela med Robert Walker igen som jag spelade lite med i gymnasiet.

Vad hände efter den säsongen?

-        Jag fick erbjudande från ÖSK Ungdom att börja coacha deras juniorlag så då accepterade jag deras erbjudande. Det var väldigt roligt. Jag förklarade i början av försäsongen för Patrick att det tidsmässigt skulle bli svårt att både spela och coacha samtidigt. Jag kände även att det var roligare att coacha än spela så då blev det så.

Vad saknar du mest med Pars-tiden?

-        Det är mycket som man saknar! Gemenskapen och kompisarna. Att få spela fotboll med sina närmaste vänner. Det var väldigt mycket att göra under Pars-tiden och idag förstår jag inte riktigt hur vi hann med allt. Men det har skapat otroligt många fina minnen. Såklart också festerna som var en del av gemenskapen och att alla bodde nära varandra.

Vilka spelare har du haft lättast att spela med under karriären i Pars?

-        Första året var det väldigt roligt, jag hade Wille bakom mig som högerback. Sen så har jag alltid haft lätt att spela med Ata. Vi hade en kemi på planen som Sedin-bröderna. Det finns många som jag tyckte var roligt att spela med. Bland annat SJ, Chris och Simon men det finns säkert fler som jag inte kommer på nu.

Bästa och sämsta minnena från första säsongen i Pars?

-        Vi börjar med det sämsta minnet. Det var definitivt i premiären mot Kilsmo första säsongen, då Ata fick sin axel ur led.

Bästa minnet minns jag inte riktigt.

Bästa och sämsta minnena från alla säsonger i Pars?

-        Det finns otroligt många bra och roliga minnen. Några är när vi vann brons i Student-SM och såklart första SM-guldet.  Sen även alla mästerskap utomlands.

Tråkigaste minnet är när vi förlorade division 5 på målskillnad mot Marieberg och i hemmamatchen så hade jag ett läge att avgöra men missade ett halvt friläge. Sen var det även väldigt tungt när vi inte kunde fira vinsten i division 5 det året och hade allt i egna händer. Det var också tungt när vi inte kunde vinna kvalet i division fyra mot Övre då vi hade allt i egna händer. Tog ledningen i början av matchen men förlorade ändå. Men den absolut sämsta upplevelsen i Pars var kritmaskinen som vi kämpade med.


Fem snabba:

1.      Christiano Ronaldo eller Leonel Messi?

-        Messi, även om Ronaldo spelar i Juventus nu…

2.      Bra spel eller resultat?

-        Bra spel.

3.      Slå frisparkar eller straffar?

-        Slå straffar. Jag fick aldrig slå frisparkar haha

4.      Göra ett mål eller göra två assist?

-        Två assist.

5.      Fotboll eller futsal?

-        Futsal.





Pars FC lever vidare i andra former

För några år sedan fick Pars FC några nya styrelsemedlemmar och namnet ändrades till Scandinavian.
Både herrarna och damerna spelade div 3 under gågna säsongen, men herrarna ledda av Patrick Walker åkte ut tyvärr.
Damerna ledda av Björn Sjödin gick bättre och vara nära avancemang
Vi önskar båda lagen lycka till nästa säsong!

Ex. Pars Football Club, Scandinavian advance to division 3

Two years after Pars FC changed name to Scandinavian and with the help of Patrick Walkers new professional players the team that once was created by two young students Ata “Pars” Pirmoradi and Sebastian Nyberg managed to advance to division 3.


Ata and Sebastian managed to take the team from division 7 to division 4 and now with the new management the team advanced to division 3. It’s a great achievement for a team that was created only 10 years ago to advance so many tiers in so short time.



Pars FC... ett minne blott när PFC blir SFC!

Som bekant har de två grundarna efter åtta års hårt arbete valt att lämna föreningslivet och nu lämnat vidare stafettpinnen. Men det finns fortfarande många planer för föreningen och den nya styrelsen har nu bestämt sig för att byta namn på föreningen till Scandinavian Football Club Örebro (SFC).

Pars FC Örebro gick från ett kompisgäng i division 7 till division 4 på endast 8:a år!
På både herr- och damsidan har PFC satt sina spår i lokalfotbollen såväl inomhus i futsal som utomhus.
Föreningen har under sin storhetstid dominerat den svenska studentidrotten inom sin gren i fotboll och även representerat både Sverige och Örebro universitet internationellt i futsal vid flertalet tillfällen.  
En epok är slut och Pars FC Örebro är ett minne blott och värt att minnas!

Vi önskar den nya styrelsen och "nya" föreningen lycka till!

Sebastian Nyberg avslutar sina ledaruppdrag efter 8 år i Pars FC Örebro

Sebastian Nyberg #7

Ordförande   2010 – 2015
Sekreterare    2007 – 2010
Grundare       2007

2007 - Grundar föreningen tillsammans med Ata Pirmoradi.

2008 - Assisterande tränare samt spelare i fotboll och futsal.
Laget hamnade på 4:e plats i division 7.
Brons i student-SM inomhus i Göteborg.
Får utmärkelsen ”Årets Kämpe 2008” av spelarna.

2009 - Assisterande tränare samt spelare i fotboll och futsal.
Vinnare av division 7.
Får utmärkelsen”Årets Kämpe 2009” av spelarna.

2010 - Assisterande tränare i fotboll och futsal. 
Vinnare av division 6. 
Vinnare av student-SM inomhus. 
Vinnare av division 3 futsal.

2011 - Assisterande tränare i fotboll och futsal.
Laget hamnade på tredjeplats i division 5 därmed på en kvalplats för avancemang.
Vinnare av student-SM utomhus i Stockholm och inomhus i Göteborg.
Representerade Örebro universitet och Sverige i European Universities Futsal Championship i Tammerfors, Finland. Vinnare av EM:s Fair Play-pris 2011.
Vinnare av division 2 futsal.
Får utmärkelsen ”Årets Eldsjäl 2011” av spelarna. 

2012 – Assisterande tränare i fotboll och futsal.
Laget hamnade på tiondeplats i division 4 därmed på en kval för att stanna kvar i serien.
Vinnare av division 1 futsal.
Vinnare av student-SM utomhus i Stockholm och tvåa inomhus i Göteborg. Även vinnare av motionsklassen inomhus, där Sebastian gjorde det avgörande målet i SM-finalen.
Får utmärkelsen ”Årets Eldsjäl 2012” av spelarna. 

2013 - Laget hamnade på andraplats i division 5 därmed på en kvalplats för avancemang.
Tvåa i division 1 futsal.
Representerade Örebro universitet och Sverige i European Universities Futsal Championship i Malaga, Spanien. Representerade även universitet och Sverige i två träningslandskamper för studenter mot Tyskland i Münster.
Får utmärkelsen ”Årets Eldsjäl 2013” av spelarna.

2014 - Laget hamnade åter igen på en tiondeplats i division 4 och lyckades att kvala sig kvar. 
Tvåa i division 1 futsal. Dessvärre missade Sebastian hela hösten pga jobb i USA men kom tillbaka för att ansluta till laget inför futsalsäongen.
Tränare för studentlandslaget i tredje europeiska studentmästerskapet i futsal i Rotterdam och avancemang från gruppen, slutplacering 15e plats i Europa.

2015 - Spelare i herrlaget, samt lagkapten i många matcher av säsongen. Lagets bästa placering i division 4, laget kom 7:a.
Får utmärkelsen ”Lojalaste Spelaren 2007-2015” av klubben.

Vi tackar Sebastian för hans tid i Pars FC Örebro!

Ata Pirmoradi avslutar sina ledaruppdrag efter 8 år i Pars FC Örebro

Ata år för år i korta drag:

2007 Startar föreningen tillsammans med Sebastian Nyberg.


2008 Tränare i fotboll och futsal. 4:e plats i division 7, brons i student-SM inomhus. 

Videoklipp: Typiskt Ata-mål


2009 Tränare i fotboll och futsal. Vinnare av division 7. 


2010 Tränare i fotboll och futsal. Vinnare av division 6. Vinnare av student-SM inomhus. Vinnare av division 3 futsal. 


2011 Tränare i fotboll och futsal. Vinnare av student-SM utomhus och inomhus. Deltagande i lagets första europeiska mästerskap i futsal. Vinnare av fair play priset i mästerskapet. Vinnare av division 2 futsal. 


2012 Tränare i fotboll och futsal. Vinnare av student-SM utomhus och tvåa inomhus. Vinnare av division 1 futsal. 


2013 Tränare i futsal. Tvåa i division 1 futsal. Andra europeiska mästerskapet i futsal. Även två studentträningslandskamper i Tyskland.


2014 Tränare i futsal. Tvåa i division 1 futsal. Tredje europeiska mästerskapet i futsal och avancemang från gruppen, slutplacering 15e plats i Europa. 

Ata vinner pirs under EM


2015 Tränare i fotboll. Lagets bästa placering i division 4, laget kom 7:a. 

Vi tackar Ata för hans tid i Pars FC Örebro!

Match report, Pars FC vs Adolfsbergs IK 0-0

The big rivals Adolfsberg came to Pettersberg to face Pars. This was a important game for both teams that are trying to get the play off placement. Both team started carefully and tried to identify the opponents weaknesses. After 15-20 minutes we took over and started to create chances from the left side. By playing the ball fast and move a lot we could easily get pass Adolfsberg players but unfortunately we weren't able to score on our chances. 
In second half we dominated the game totally and had great ball possession. Adolfsberg weren't able to build any attack and were forced to defend mostly in second half. Our central midfielders Kyle and SJ did a great job in the middle dominating the opponents central midfield and winning balls there so we could counter attack. 
Mustaches goes to:
Kyle Garcia
A great job from Kyle in the middle, he plays tough and wins a lot of duels without giving free kicks. But the best that Kyle did was his fast passings that wins our attack so much time. He received the ball and immediately finds a pass. Kyle had a good defensive combination with SJ were he gets to the first battle and SJ taking care of the second ball. 
Sebastian Jyttner
Another midfielder in this game that played well, he worked a lot in the defensive play and were able to win a lot of duels both in the air and on the ground. With his good technique he could challenge the opponents and keep the ball close to him so the only way to get the ball was by making a foul on him. 
Khris Hammock
He did a great job taking out Adolfsbergs striker Oskar Tell and get him out of balance. Khris played tough but fair against their attackers and made them go to a mental nagging stage. He was able to read the game and close down the attackers in an early stage before they got the chance to get in to the box. 

Match report, Pars FC vs Öfvre Adolsfberg 6-3(2-1)

The game against Öfvre was the last chance to keep hopes alive for the play off spot. We needed the win badly and were forced to set pressure and take risks. It took us 35 minutes and one received goal to wake up and start playing our game. The rest of the game we played according to the game plan and followed attacking instructions well. Scoring 6 goals and all goals from our attacking players showed that our goal scoring doesn't happen by accidents. Unfortunately the defense still had some problems and we received two more goals, one of them was an own goal and the last one was 100% a miss from the referee but that also happens sometimes. Overall a good win and good attacking play even if we missed a lot of chances. 
Mustaches goes to:
Diego Lopez
Important role in the attack, great touch and dribbling on the left side. Worked well with Nico in the attack and managed to score the equalizer after a good play together with Nico, scored also his second goal in second half. 
Kyle Garcia 
Kyle is improving for every game, he played strong in the defense, winning air duels and physical duels. He plays the ball fast and takes less touches than other players. Players like Kyle helps the team to increase the pace during attack and being able to create chances before the opponents get the time to reorganize. 
Ghaith Al-Hasnawi
Subbed in in second half and did a great job on the left side together with Diego. Ghaith also hade some good runs and movement in the attack. He showed a lot of energy and where able to work both in attack and defense. 

Match report, Pars FC vs HOIF 1-1(1-0)

In this game we really needed to win if we wanted to stay in the top and because of that we were forced to attack a lot and think about the defense less. We took the lead after a good flick from Eihab to Nico who could give us the lead. Our defense were sloppy both on set pieces and during the play and a lot of energy was wasted trying to recover from mistakes. After many missed good chances we received a bad goal after Harri loosing the ball in the defense and we were forced to accept a draw against a really weak team in this game. 
Mustaches goes to: 
Ian McDonalds-Wilkins 
Ian played well in the goal saving headers and shots at set pieces when our defense weren't able to clear. He did his best to organize the defense that had big problems both without ball and with ball. 
Sebastian Nyberg 
Sebastian cleared two balls of the line in this game and saving us from receiving goals, he was forced to work a lot in the defense but tried also to be a part of the attack. 
Taylor Bowlin 
Good touch and fast decisions to increase the pace on his side. Played it easy and fast, something that has been missing in our play the last few weeks. 

Match report, IFK Örebro vs Pars FC 3-0(1-0)

Missing total of 7 start players the team was really weak. Unfortunately during the whole game we weren't able to establish anything worth having. Chances created only from random situation and still we weren't able to score, on the other side we were giving away chances one after one. Not only we couldn't play attack or defense as a team together, we also made so many individual errors until the players lost faith in each other completely. In the end of the game we could see that players didn't even want to give the ball to someone else. Only player with good performance was Ian McDonalds-Wilkins that made good saves and even then our defensive line was so slow to help him so we received goals even after good work from Ian. It was a well deserved loss and maybe a good wake up call for all players that missed trainings during the summer because they had other plans. We will keep going and try to make the best from this situation and hopefully achieve our goal to be top 5 but it's a hard task and everybody needs to give 100% if we want to succeed. 
Mustaches goes to
Ian McDonalds-Wilkins 
Good performance overall, tried to help the defense and made good saves and worked well in the air. 
David Gustafsson 
Only attacking player who could get chances but mostly because his own abilities and not from teamwork. 
Sebastian Jyttner    
Had a hard task in the middle and worked a lot to try to keep it simple and win the duels in the middle. 

Daniel Taylor leaves Pars FC Örebro to join second division side in Greece!

Daniel Taylor joined Pars during this season but played only 4 games before he signed his first professional football contract with Acharnaikos F.C. in Greece second division. We wish Daniel best of luck and are very happy that we had him in our team this season.

Link to the news in the new club!

Key player in the attack after half of the season

David "Daffy" Gustafsson 
Daffy is a unique player, a tall strong player who have great speed. A great goal scorer who never gets satisfied and wants always to help his team with goals and assists. With 6 mustaches, 12 goals, and 4 assists he is by far the best forward in Pars. Right now he is the runner up in the top scores league and he is aiming to bring that title to Pars like he did two seasons ago. 

Key player in the midfield after half of the season

Diego "The Magician" Lopez
The Magician has been the engine that Pars needed in the midfield. Diego is one of the best players in the team to control the ball and dribble. He showed great technique in almost every game and has been able to create chances for himself and others. With 7 assists he is the best Pars assister and he has also managed to score 4 goals. Also mentionable is that captain SJ has been taking more responsibility in the defense so The Magician have been able to use his magic. Diego with ten mustaches is the best midfielder in Pars the first half of the season. 

Stats from todays training

Distance: ca 3,5 km.
Ashten had the best time and Taylor, Kjell, and Ian did well also!

Key players during the first half of the season

First up is: 

Jonny "The General" Da Silva

With 10 mustaches and great performances he has kept what he promised me before the league started, the best defense in the league. After 12 games we have only received 10 goals. We had 7 clean sheets and there have been few teams that had the chance to get shots on our goal. The General have been able to create harmony in the defense together with his central defender colleague Samuel Oki who also have showed great performance and earned 6 mustaches until now. Also Ian, Taylor and Barre had a big part in The Generals army. 

The sinking ship (last part)

The league started

First game of the league was against one of the beforehand favorite teams, it was the team who played last season in division 3 and wanted to advance right away. It was only two minutes in the game and they scored against us and we were forced to work the rest of the game for an equalizer that unfortunately didn't come. Second game was against a team that we completely surprised with the way we played and crushed them with 4 goals. In the third game we had two americans starting, goalkeeper Ian and midfielder Diego. We were playing against one of the top teams and just like the first game we received an early goal after only two minutes. But this time we recovered and managed to equalize to 1-1. In the fourth game, two more American players started the game, forward Nico and defender Oki. This time we won again with a convincing 4-0 against a team in the bottom of the table. Then it was time for our fith game and a game that would be very special for our team since we played against our previous captain and also another of our previous players. It was a closed game with few chances that both team split the points as it ended 0-0.


The peak and the fall

In the sixth game we played against the top ranked and on beforehand favorites’ for the title. Until now they had won all their games and were of course expected to win against us. However, we did our best game of the season so far and maybe one of the best performances in this league this year. The game ended 1-1 but everyone, even the opponents coaches agreed that we should have won. After this great performance we should have been kept on going but instead our performance got worse. After such a good performance we played two horrible games, first one with a lot of individual mistakes in the defense and a second game with a disoriented and sloppy performance. It was just like everybody had forgotten our game plan and strategies.

The decision and the winning streak

At this point I was facing some hard decisions, should we keep to the plan and continue play risky with the chance to great performance or to take a few steps back and play with lower risks but think more about the result? I was forced to make the decision for what I thought would be best for the team right now. I have to admit that playing a low risk football is not my cup of tea but that was what needed to be done at the moment. We changed strategy in the last four games. First up was the team we lost against in the first game, a game that was rescheduled to be played in the spring instead of the summer. This time we made the opponents look bad, we controlled most of the game and made them frustrated. We got revenge and won 2-0. Second up was one of the bottom table teams, we showed great patience and could win the game with 3-0. Next up was a team with good form and three consecutive wins. Once again we showed great patience, great defending and creative attacks which resulted 3-0 to us. The last game of the first half of the league was against the team in the relegation zone. They played well in first half and were one of the few teams that could create opportunities to score against us, but we managed to keep a clean sheet and score once in the first half. Second half was a one way street for us and we were attacking all the time. We kept our focus and the whole team played according to the game plan and the final score was a convincing 6-0 victory.

It's still a long way till we get to shore and this ship needs to be stronger. We will have time during the summer for maintenance to repair and strengthen the ship so we are ready for new challenges when the autumn comes.

The sinking ship (part 2)

During this part of the pre-season we managed to repair some of the damaged parts of the ship but the engines were still not working properly. However, we felt that we wouldn't sink but for how long would we be floating? Would we even be able to move forward and how powerful was the ship? I had many questions in my mind and I needed figure out a strategy on how to improve a lot of things, because I knew how fragile we were at the moment.


The winning streak finally arrived

Fifth game was a game where I needed to try some of the new players and a few of the substitutes as well. We played against a division 6 team and managed to play a great defensive game and won 1-0. The next game was again against a team from our league in division 4, and once again we played a great defensive game and also managed to play a good attacking game and won with a convincing 4-0. The team started to improve a lot and fast. The following game we played against a team from division 7. This game also gave me the opportunity to test new players and this time we smashed the opponents and won 7-1, which showed that our reserves could perform very well.


Training camp

In order to work more intensified on some things that still needed to be improved and of course on the team spirit, we went to the south of Sweden to a town called Vimmerby during a weekend in April for a training camp. This trip was great in many ways. We had three good training sessions and also a friendly game that we managed once again to win with 4-0. During a team meeting at this training camp we decided to aim for top 5 in our league for the first half of the season.


The Americans

During the winter and spring we had worked out a deal to bring in some American players to strengthen the team. Unfortunately their trips got a little bit delayed so we wouldn't have them during the pre-season, but reinforcement where on the way.


To be continued...

The sinking ship (part 1)

When the 2015 pre-season started we only had 12-13 players left in the squad. Some players from last season were injured, some had completed their studies and moved back to their home cities and some players wanted to change club. The last season was so hard that even our captain decided to move to another division 4 club, he just couldn't imagine being the captain and take the responsibility to save this ship. I sat down and talked to Sebbe and we decided to try to save this ship from sinking, we had during the last 8 years given so much for the club and didn't want it to end like this. Since the captain abandoned the ship and many of the crew leaving as well, it was up to me, Sebbe and the guys who really cared about the team to do our best to save what was left and keep the ship floating. We decided early on to change our criticized bad home field to artificial turf and also practiced the whole pre-season on artificial field.


The Portuguese lion hearts arrived

When things looked really bad and it was hard to keep up the motivation of the players, we got some luck. A friend that works with a division 2 club here in town gave me the contact info to Rayner who had two players who wanted to try with the team. Two brothers from Portugal, two players that showed good qualities and mostly important, heart! They started to play in the friendly games, but in the beginning it was still hard for the team. We had too many weaknesses and it wasn't enough with just two new players to repair the damages. But still it gave hope!


Improvement during the pre-season

First game we played in the pre-season was against a division 5 team and that game wasn't good at all, we couldn't create many chances, performed weak in defending on set pieces and we lost that game 2-4. The second game was also against a division 5 team but a weaker team in that league. We still showed a lot of weaknesses in our defense, however our attacking game started to work better and we could win the game with 4-3. The third pre-season game was against a division 4 team. This game was a chance to see if our team could hold in to a team at our own level. We played much better than previous games and the attack looked good as well. Unfortunately we still had some difficulties in the defense and lost the game 4-5, but we were finally going in right direction according to the plan.


The turning point

Fourth game in the pre season was against one of the best teams in division 3. In this game we could for the first time see how great our team can perform if we stick to the instructions and play together as a team. We did a great first half and created many opportunities to score and were also defending in a great way and went to a half time break with 0-0. Unfortunately all our energy was consumed in the first half and we received 4 goals in second half and lost 0-4. But this was the turning point and the self-esteem came back to our players. For the first time in a long time the confidence was back and we started to believe that we can manage to play good football.

To be continued...


Match report and goals, Pars vs Assyriska 6-0(1-0)

Last game before the summer break and we were aiming for the fourth victory and clean sheet in a row. We were missing Oki because of injury and we were forced to make a few changes also in this game. 
First half started great for us after a free-kick taken by Taylor, David received the ball in the penalty are and could with some help from the defender score the first goal of the game. Assyriska showed us that they won't give up so fast and they started to play better and better for every minute. They had a great chance that Ian saved first and then Chris blocked the rebound near the goal line. They kept on coming at us with all they had but our defense and keeper managed to keep the clean sheet. They game was kind of open and both teams could attack a lot in first half but no more goals were scored. 
Second half started as great as the first one with Daniel finding a great ball to David who could score his and the teams second goal. The third one was a beauty, SJ gave the ball to Diego who made a futsal move before he find the top of the net with a great shot. In the 67th minute David could complete his hattrick with a good shot from distance. Nico came back in when it was only 5 minutes left and could score after getting a great pass from Diego. The last goal was scored by Pars FCs legend Sebbe who got the ball from SJ and could get by the keeper before he scored. 
Overall a great finish of the first half of the season. The guys played well in second half and once again the defense showed a good performance. Ghaith and Chris who were new in the defensive line got synced with Jonny and Taylor well. 
And mustaches goes to:
David Gustafsson - Once again David showed why he is the top goal scorer in this league. He was hungry as usual and today his goals came early and really helped the team to get back into the game. He also was able to create spaces for the other forwards with his movement. 
Jonny Da Silva - The general had once again an important role in today's clean sheet. He organized the defense well together with his little brother and won a lot in the air. 
Diego Lopez - The little Maradona is starting to get use to be one of the best players. He was working his magic and did some really good movements and combinations with the other attackers. Also a great goal he scored today! 

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